Properties for sale in Nice 14 listings

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Sale of luxury real estate in Nice

Buying a house in Nice - this sentence alone gives rise to thoughts of luxurious, luxury living in the most prestigious city on the French Riviera cost. Like a vibrant kaleidoscope, cultural events take place in Nice all year round. World-class festivals and exhibitions are replaced by film premieres, fashion shows and theatrical performances. Here, in the very heart of the French Riviera, it is possible to catch the rhythm of a beautiful life about which films are made and poems are composed.

Why buying property in Nice 

The offer to buy luxury villa in Nice is attractive because this resort town is considered the most reliable for financial investments. The cost of housing fully corresponds to the high status of this fashionable resort. Luxury real estate in Nice is represented by both individual villas and mansions located 10-15 minutes from the center, and luxurious apartments in multi-apartment buildings of historical and modern buildings.

The impeccable level of comfort is in harmony with the city's unique cultural heritage: 

• the famous Promenade des Anglais impresses with an abundance of ancient architecture, the brightest representative of which is the Negresco Hotel – one of the most expensive hotel on the French Riviera;

• this city is home to the Matisse Museum, which contains the masterpieces of the talented painter, painted in different years of his life; 

• there is a huge flower market in one of the resort's squares, where you can buy lush peonies, the famous lavender from Provence, and luxurious armfuls of decorative sunflowers.

If you have long wanted to live by the sea and are considering the prospect of investing funds in a purchase prestigious villa or luxury home, use the services of our real estate agency. In the category sale of real estate in Nice offers are presented that are interesting in terms of cost, comfort level and location.